Published on
November 19, 2008

If it's one thing I miss, it's blasting my music from my car stereos as I drive to whatever destination life seems to take me. You see, I'm a big fan of singing along with my ipod, and I also have a very specific taste in music; anyone who's ever been a passenger with me can attest to that. I am not a fan of Radio, as I am not a fan of the majority of what the radio plays; this includes the music AND the advertisements.

Recently, with this new job they have me doing at work, me and the rest of the group have taken to listening to music to help pass the time. Seriously, it keeps us sane, as well as motivated; at least when we're interacting with one another.

That said, the majority of the music they enjoy guessed it...similar to the radio's.

Now, I'm not going to be stingy, so I'll sit and listen while I do my work because overall it provides a fun atmosphere. I can handle music that I don't particularly get into in these kinds of situations. I won't deny, though, that I did try and work my music in there; of course, as always, this tends to backfire. It's not that my co-workers hate my music, it's just that - like me with the former - they just don't get into it like I do.

This is a shame, because for the most part, I try to collect music that I believe can cater to all tastes. Unfortunately, this just doesn't seem the case. I'm in a league of my own, as young and old people alike just don't find my music as a good alternative. Well...this isn't actually fact, I tend to get more compliments and "hey, who is this?" more than I do complaints. Technically, I already know who to expect complaints from, so it's not like I was at all surprised.

That said, I have to say that sometimes the large difference in tastes tends to make me feel more isolated; especially in situations like this. Here I am, as it were, with a room full of strangers, and I can't even sing aloud to the songs I really love. I have even become so down that I was disillusioned into buying the MetroStation album, probably to make myself feel young again and that I'm not completely out of touch with who I am, only to find that I really AM starting to lose it.

It's a harsh, cruel world out there, ladies and gentlemen, so you better get used to it.

Coming to these conclusions have helped me further realize something relating to that, hopefully, future someone.

I only have 3 non-compromisable traits when it comes to finding the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. One of them, as has been un-named in the past, was that she needs to be able to Tolerate me. In some cases, I can see how this will come off as very selfish, and I'm going to have to admit to this.

Yes, it is selfish, but in the end I've realized that there are a lot of personal character flaws within me, that I would need someone really - REALLY special in order to handle everything.

One of those flaws is my music. I need it. I breathe it. I live it.
Ok...maybe not that hardcore, but you catch my drift.

This girl will have to put up with my iphone (used to be ipod, and CD player before that) every time we get in the car. She cannot ask for the radio, she cannot put on her own music, and - worst-of-all - she has to put up with my singing. I have no problem if she wants to listen to a specific artist or wants to request a certain song, but it has to be from - you guessed it - my collection. Not only that, but I also listen to it loud (not bust your ear drums loud, but loud enough so that I can match with my singing.)

Hey, if you don't like it, then I'm sorry...obviously this isn't going to work out.

Seriously, and I don't know why, but this is a big deal for me. I can understand a couple of...I dunno...loop holes here and there where the format is changed slightly, but for the most part this is how it is in my life. I need a girl that can tolerate that, and maybe even enjoy it herself, because if she doesn't enjoy it then how can I enjoy MYself.

I know she's out there, and I can pretty much guess that she's someone I already talk to regularly, but until I know for sure, I suppose I'm stuck isolated...with only myself and my playlists...just waiting for the truth...
now...where's that John Mayer...

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.