Published on
August 9, 2007

Ok, second episode of Heroes done, and I'm already hooked. It's a very interesting, and albeit inspiring show, but also very freaky at times. That lady with the mirror complex, freaks me out every time. It's also kinda graphic...very...very disgusting.

Anyway, first Day Dream blog [here], and second [here]. I broke them into parts, thinking I can bust them out later, but since I'm writing them the same day so that I can actually remember what I want to say, I didn't feel like waiting to post. So, if you feel the urge to, you can read one long post, and come back later to get the others; it should be easier that way.

After thinking about the apartment and where that lead to, I'm still stuck trying to find a way to shade my eyes because I think that may be the problem with my lack of sleep. But, I know that's not the truth. The reason I can't sleep, is because I slept all day yesterday.

Good news is, I'm tired enough to hopefully fall asleep now. I'll probably shut my alarm off and just sleep a few more hours instead of wake up tired, but at least I know that I did something for today.

[ writing blogs is productive.]

Thinking of my friends ended up bringing me to the usual thought of the comic I want to start. Uh...because everyone wants to start a comic with friends right?

I thought of art, at first, and how I can look at specific art that other people, say my friends or co-workers, will just think of something completely different from me. They see a picture or a girl staring out the window of a bus, and basically leave it at that. Something so simple, that I'm almost wasting my time with it as my desktop background.

Me, on the other hand, I see the art. I see the way the girl's hair hangs against the window, and also falls off her shoulder. I see her lips, and her eyes, and the longing from within them. She's in another world, but she's on the bus, and it's beautiful.

I can see, Artist to Artist, every detail and thought process it must've taken to do something like that. I enjoy it.

Reminds me of Disturbia, which I just watched's good...see it.

Friends + Art = Pure Comic Gold right?

I thought of our antics, of my friends and I. We were going to do this comic...well...two of us. Brent would write it, and I would draw it. We got a few ideas, but we never got far, because I'm just not ready in my abilities to do that yet.

Too bad we lost touch, I still want to do it.

I know that I want to start it again, and so I laid a good while thinking about it. How I would go about thumb-nailing and doing certain panels and pages. The "Starbursts Hit The Fan" skit and the "Self-Made Sound Effects" were two of the ones I put most thought into.

I just wondered if I'd get a chance to draw something up, and I'm really thinking of starting it. Though I might have to change the cast up a little, but it'd be fun either way. I'm working on my art, and if you haven't seen it, I have a sketch blog (forum) up that will track my progress in finding my art style that will hopefully lead to something more consistent.

That was basically it. The passion. The I-WANT-to-do-this-but-I'm-still-not-ready sorta thing. This happens to me a lot in my day dreams. Just thinking about future projects like Priest and Kings and Comics and Movies. I just tend to do that.

So I guess you could say that I think about the future a lot, which is a plus sometimes. Though I hope I'm not a 'hopeless romantic' of sorts that doesn't put thought into action.

Like Stella Adler said, "We are what we do, not what we say."

Speaking of which, that brings me to where my thoughts brought me at one point as well. Recently learning about that quote, I imagined myself reading about an actor that inspires me, and actually paying them a visit. I thought about her, though I don't know if she inspires me yet, but I pictured being at her huge house in California (she's dead, though, so I really don't know where she's staying now.) where we walked around her yard; me helping her of course because of her old fragile body, and just learning her story.

Old people have a lot to say, they just have no one to say it to. I wanted to give her that chance. I wanted to ask about what she said; that quote above. I wanted to know who she said it to, what did she mean by it? I wanted to understand her thinking, and maybe learn from her in the process.

Really, I think if the opportunity ever provided itself to me, I would look someone up like that. Someone that really speaks to me because of what they did. I want to be inspired, I want to know their story from the primary source.
That would be fun...right?

What came after all that...I can't quite remember. I do know that I got up at one point and decided to write a few blogs, and then I decided to try going back to sleep again...except...this time...I wouldn't share everything I thought about in my insomnia (which I hope is non-existent.)

But, I think I will leave you with one last thought, and one that seems to invade my mind way too often that I think I need to take medicine for this type of crap. "Crap" being my insane tendency to try and predict each and every aspect of my life, and the people in it, and figure out what they are in my future.

I'm predicting the end of the movie...too soon some times. But I can't help it.

This time, though, I think I might be right...for personal reasons, though I'm not getting my hopes up. It's different from before...and that's the only thing that keeps me from shutting myself up. I'm not going to let these thoughts overwhelm me this time.

But, just so you know, and because I just have to get it least once before I know the end. (that's what I do in don't sit next to me if you don't like that.)

But...I think I've found her.
The girl of my dreams.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.