Published on
August 9, 2007

So I've come to the conclusion that I tend to think a lot.
And when I say "a lot", I mean "WAY too much".

But I can't seem to help that fact when I wake up after 3 hours of sleep, and can't seem to get BACK to sleep for two hours (and counting.) It's not really a problem, I mean, I love being awake. I hate sleeping when I'm not tired, and I'll even go out of my way to make sure, if there's something better to do, to tell myself that sleep can wait till I'm DEAD.
But...I'm smarter on some cases.
People need sleep.
Because I need to be sure that I stay up for work that night.
But when you can't sleep, you can't sleep right?

So here I am, writing a new blog that should hopefully overshadow the ones before this that seemed so unprofessional of me because they just revealed too much EMO than I'm proud of. Let's get away from that, really, and start over new. What do ya say?

So...(I hate starting out my sentences with that, it really irks me.)

Laying in Living Room Futon, with the sun shining in my eyes keeping me obnoxiously awake, I tend to let my mind wonder.

"To What?" you may not be wondering.

Well, let's start from the beginning:

As some people may/may not have noticed, My "Dream Role" as an aspiring actor would actually be Robin (a.k.a. - The Boy Wonder) from the Batman series. Really, I don't know why that is. For some reason, I just feel like that role would fit me more than any other already existing roles. I mean, let's face it, I can't Aspire to a role that fits me perfectly, if it hasn't been written yet. Correct?

So, for sake of all "unoriginal pieces", the one that I'd most want to get, would be the aforementioned ( you didn't know I knew that word.) Especially if it meant acting alongside Christian Bale, one of my favorite actors, who they'll need a Dick Grayson eventually I'm sure.

When I thought about this, I tended to wonder how I might go about getting the role.
From browsing the web for Open Auditions the same day the second movie comes out, to taking leave from my time in Greece just to fly to California to stand in line for the casting call - only to be stopped short with about another 100 potentials because they've already had enough auditions for one day; to waiting outside and around the building even after this fact to just run in ONE person that would have the power to get me in with the Casting Director or above. I even imagined it was Christian Bale at one point.

I stood out that door, for hours mind you, and waited for the slam of the metal against concrete as I hear footsteps escaping from the lonely building. Whoever that person is, say it is Christian, I come up behind them unnoticed and ask about the auditions. The person denies me, so I stop them short with a phrase, "You haven't found your Robin yet!"

Christian stops, turns around, bewildered, and asks what I mean by that. This is where I continue to tell the guy that they CAN'T have found the right actor, because he's standing right there in front of him. I further try to convince him, over dramatically of course, that I am Dick Grayson, and he can see that. Emphasis on the "arrogance" by the way, first by illustrating Robin's hotheadedness by yelling that this is my role, my time, and that I was made for this.

Then I'll calm it down, going with the egotistical Robin that eventually became the Nightwing (I would never do a spin off...EVER!) and tell him that he knows it's true, and he shouldn't deny it.

Mr. Bale will still look at me bewildered, maybe even appalled, and without a word, he'll turn around and walk away. DENIED. (because all good stories can't turn out the way they want at first...there's a twist.)

But then I turn, smiling, but I don't leave. Instead, I yell over my shoulder, catching his attention again, "HEY CHRISTIAN!" I use that because it is his name. This is where he stops short, or hesitates for a moment, because he's such a nice guy right?

"Sorry to bother you, but...I have to ask: Was I convincing?"

He'll turn, and look me in the eye, already understanding yet not sure what the statement meant. This is because I've changed my tone, I'm back to normal, and it's much different from the prick who just encountered him seconds ago. He might ask, to clarify, if it was truly an act, or he may not, if he already gets it.

Either way, I end up in that room, where the head honcho is sitting putting up all their Head-shots and Resumes into Manila Folders and ready to go home, still looking for that person who can really bring the Boy Wonder to life. Christian tells him that it's done, we found him, and he points to me, smirking in the corner.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.