Published on
August 8, 2009

I've been dealing with this thing called Embrace a lot recently.

I feel like the word speaks to me. And I feel like it's something that I will use a lot in the future.


Because it's a part of my being. It's an act of living. It's the process of realizing that, at any moment, my life could be turned upside down - made completely unrecognizable - and there's nothing that I'll be able to do about it.

I live each day like it were my last.

Or...I try to. There are days I fail - miserably. Those days would have been horrible days to end my life. Starting with my selfish endeavors and consequently ending in my accomplishing nothing, these days make me hope, more than anything, that tomorrow does come and I'll be there to witness it - or just get another chance.

But Embracing is something I do, mostly unconsciously.

I'll Embrace moments, even the tiniest things, as long as it's with someone I can make smile.

I'll Embrace people - not physically - but emotionally, because even if I barely know you, you are still a part of my life and I want you to know that you're important. Some impact me more than others, true, but I don't want something to happen to me tomorrow and hear the phrase, "I wasn't that close to him." I've met you. I know you. Therefore, you are somewhere close to my heart, and I would do anything for you because that's just the way I live. That's called Love. That's also called Embrace.

I'll Embrace suffering. Not just mine, but other's the majority of the time. Because suffering is a moment of deep impact in your life. Suffering is going to bring out this wonderful revelation on how you conduct yourself from this day forward. Suffering is when you're the most honest, the most revealing, and it's when you come to new conclusions that you might never have considered before. I Embrace suffering, not because I like to see people struggle, but because I love to be a part of that revelation. I enjoy watching the phoenix rising from the ashes of your broken body. I relish in the thought of people finding their own way.

I'll Embrace.

But there's another side of Embracing that will never fail to strike me. That's the disappointment, the hopeless feeling, when I realize that I don't always get the same treatment back. I live with my eyes wide open. I trust without hesitation. I give up my shirt when I notice others don't have one.

Some people are able to take advantage of this aspect, but you wanna know something?

I'm actually ok with that.

It's the others that disappoint me. The ones that see me put forth all this effort, and they fail to give me any back. It's disappointing, not because of them, but because I realize over and over again that not everyone feels the same way I do. Not everyone is willing to Embrace. They're scared, or maybe they just don't care. It makes me feel like a bother, or an annoyance, and truth be told I know that I am this to most people.

But I try. Because if tomorrow doesn't come, I want to be able to say that I gave it my best shot.

There are just those that aren't willing. Multiple times in my life I've wanted to find those people. I've wanted to scream into their open ears and their closed hearts that they've only got one life to live. I don't want to see them get to the very bottom before they realize that they've missed out on a lot, and that they let it all slide past them without so much as a second glance. Sometimes I just want to do that.

And other times I realize... it's not them.

It's me.

And that's why, the other day, I Embraced God. Literally. I wanted to feel his arms wrapped around me, and so I did the same, and I hugged him tight, and I felt the warmth of his Embrace. Because even when the rest of the world is passing on moments, I'll always know that God Loves me. Sometimes I forget, that the biggest power of Embrace, is having him closer to me than ever before.

Others may not notice that.

But I do.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.