Published on
August 6, 2006

So today went by pretty fast.

Watched "newsies" with christian bale.

Went to the mall...area.

Picked up another copy of Bleach.

My friend decides he wants to be moody, so he gets jealous of me talking to his long ex-girlfriend, and walks alone for most of the night. heh...I understand the feeling...but it was uncalled for this time...whether you believe that or not...there wasn't even a 'hint' of anything going on.

We all went to tropical smoothie, he's still moody.

I talk to this girl who has been mad at me for a long time, but we were supposed to talk about it today.

. . .I made her mad again apparently.

Before I knew it I'm getting dragged through the back area, having a bucket thrown in water in sink, soaking this pissed off little girl starts walking out the back door.

I'm forced to talk to her, as my friend starts to hold off guys that are either curious or want to beat me up cause I had made this girl mad...I'm sure it was both.

The talk didn't end well.

So I started walking. My car was at someone elses house, so I walked in that direction. I planned on stopping at blockbuster, but didn't cause I really liked walking.

I did text her...saying I'm sorry...I think she's alright...but I don't care anymore.

I'm sure the people driving down the road were a little weirded out.

Watching this guy with a hat on playing air guitar and drums while walking down the sidewalk.

Cause I didn't care...and I live life to the fullest...and I like to pretend I'm in music videos while listening to my itunes cell phone.

I found a shopping cart on the way i walked with it.

It was from Farm Fresh, so it was about many blocks away from home...I dropped it off where it was on the way.

I'm sure that weirded people out even more.

It was a good walk, kinda want to do it again. A few miles I think it was...maybe more.

Got to the house, and my phone died...typical. Walked in to find my friends already back...and were watching the ninja turtles movie.

The friend that was moody earlier, was forced to talk to the girl that was talking to me, by her.

He came back better.

Then I went outside to talk to her.

About the argument behind tropical smoothie.

"it was nothing...I'm fine..."

So we talked about other things.

She told me some stuff, so then it was my turn.

She wanted to know about danielle.

I told her about how me and dani met, and how the relationship started. She said I was getting "giddy."

I miss Danielle. She doesn't try and talk to me anymore.

I wonder what God has in store.

But I never got to finish the conversation...was supposed to, but never did.

Then I came home and did laundry.

It was just a moody, yet peaceful day.

Sorry for the simplicity, what with no names and all, and just friend this and friend that.

Go air guitar...and pretend like you are the center of attention.
And then pretend like Jesus is right beside you...and pretend you're both in it together.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.