Published on
September 21, 2006

You see them often, mostly when you visit someone else's myspace page and it has the words "You are ____" posted with a description of what exactly "blank" is.

(my favorite is my friend Fred's) "You are Tommy, the Green Ranger."

Anyway, I've never been too fond of those, because in some cases those exact tests may not provide much option on what exactly you could be, and therefore you could end up the same as someone else...who is really nothing like you at all. So I've never actually taken any of those.

But I was...well...required to take one at school today, and actual test you can find at this here. (follow the link and click on "Jung Typology Test" at the top left hand of the screen.)

It's somewhat of a more reliable test...professional and popular among businesses and stuff.

well I just thought I'd share my results with you all, see what you guys think about this.

I am considered ESTJ:
Extroverted = 78% (very expressed)
Sensing = 12% (slightly expressed)
Thinking = 1% (slightly expressed)
Judging = 11% (slightly expressed)

Those were the results given after the test.

On the handout given by the teacher (a table containing all the different possible personality types) it had a description of what that could possibly mean.

"Practical, Realistic, Matter-of-fact, with a natural head for business or mechanics." (WHAT!!) "Not interested in subjects they see no use for, but can apply themselves when necessary. Like to organize and run activities. May make good administrators, especially if they remember to consider others' feeling and points of view."

Sure...why not?

Whether or not this personality test is accurate, I can't be the judge (i like other people to determine my personality, not me.) but it was fun seeing the results of this one.

At the end of the test it also gave two links to descriptions of ESTJ:
ESTJ type description by D.Keirsey
ESTJ type description by J. Butt

Though i don't think these speak about me at all, there are some small similarities.

I especially don't think that Tradition is that important to me, considering growing up I haven't had too much tradition that I really get excited about every year. And if there were one it would either have to be christmas or my birthday...but since they are both the same day then it can only be considered the one...and that to me isn't too important if i actually miss it.

I'm not sure if I like to be around like-minded people either, because if I'm around a bunch of people like me, well then there's usually trouble. And family isn't that much of a center focus for i don't know where that came from.

So pretty much the first half of the Keirsley's belief of an ESTJ is pretty...well...wrong. But the last half can be somewhat familiar to me, and the "Funcional Analysis" was a good read as well.

Some key points in this:

Apparently I am like Simon Peter, the guy who denied Jesus Christ three times in one night.

...wonder if that's a sign.

Among the Presidents with the same type of personality would be:
Andrew Jackson
Harry S. Truman
and George W. Bush.

And apparently me and Rev. Billy Graham are the same personality as well.

"Supervisor Guardian" personality provided by the second link was a little more interesting to read. Might be a little more accurate, but if you only considered a part of who I am and compared it. Consider all of me, well then that description would only cover about 10 percent of me (much less being part of 10 percent of the population.)

Anyway, that's enough boring stuff for now...really thought this would be a more interesting blog to write when I started...but not it turns out that it was just frustrating and depressing.

Maybe that 1% 'slightly expressed' thinking was true after all.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.