Published on
November 5, 2008

First, let me say that this is my 100th blog here on Blogger. I would've liked to make this post a special one, but the best way to do that is to keep going and hope for 100 more. I am, though, going to be making a first as far as posts that I usually make. I never planned on it, but I am going to touch on the recent election of Barack Obama as our next president.

I don't consider myself a strong supporter of either the major political parties, but I do have strong opinions, and the majority of those opinions have come from my faith in God, or in other words, Christianity. I didn't vote in this last election, because I didn't feel too strongly about either candidate, and I don't agree on voting for someone just because they might be "the lesser evil." I don't like that term, by the way, and it just proves how ignorant people can become when it comes to Election Year.

Just like every other 4 years before this, people went at each others throats in order to get their voice heard, and it really makes me wonder how people - at the end of it all - can say "God Bless America" when we are obviously in need of a lot of help.

The following is an Email I wrote to my mom earlier today, and I think it explains better than I probably ever could on how I feel about the current state of the world.

I agree that a lot of young people voted stupidly. I didn't follow all the different issues, so I'm not sure who would've been a better president, but I know that a lot that DID vote just voted because they don't like the current situation. What people don't realize is that the situation isn't going to change that much as far as the war goes. Just because Bush was in office doesn't mean he was driving for us to be in Iraq and no one agreed with him. Other people in the senate and congress, or whatever, must've supported him, so I don't believe it will be a quick transition when it comes to getting out of Iraq.

To be frank though, I'm going to hold back on judgement on whether or not Obama will be a good 44th president. In fact, there may be a lot of good he does for this country, depending on what direction he takes. The moral issues like abortion and sexual preference, though major issues at times, are trivial during an election like this where we need to look at what America needs.

America has become this empire that thinks itself more highly than anybody else in the world, so in this transition I hope that we can be more humble, and more aware of our effect on the rest of the world. I don't doubt that Obama will bring change, whether it's a good change or bad change in the end, well we'll just have to deal with it. I probably won't agree with a lot of the things he does, but due to the current state we're in now I think either direction would be a welcome one.

If he cuts military spending then it won't affect my pay that much. They'll probably force people to retire and things like that, but my term will not be affected as all I'll have to do is not re-enlist. Our military will be downsized, and I can't say I'm too upset about that. That's one of the things that we need to get control over before we end up like the Romans did in the bible.

I use that illustration because of Rob Bells newest book, "Jesus wants to save christians." He makes some very good points in there as far as the state of our country, and I believe this can be a good time for us to look at our current situation and assess how we can be better people and not just wade around in our wealth and glory.

Things will never be like they were before, and I think I can be pretty happy about that.
Not sure where they will go, but I don't follow politics and the ways of the world that much anyway. I'm just worried about figuring out what God wants to do with me and how I can be an important representative to him as well. I know that my path so far, won't be affected much by this election, but the world in which I walk will, and that just means I'll have to be more aware from this point forward if I'm going to be a light unto the world with God's help.

Like I said, whether good or bad, things will change the state of how we look at America. Either we realize our mistakes as things get worse, or it may equalize things out to where we can start over anew. I'm not saying he's a good person or his changes will be good, but in the end it might be better off. Either way, it's an endless cycle with this republican and democrat business, and frankly I'm getting tired of it. By the next election or two people will come to their senses that we need a person that's more real and will introduce changes that benifit the human race as a whole.

I know we'll never make everyone happy, but we already dug this whole long before Obama started running for Senator. If we have to pay for those mistakes then we will, but in the end it's about how we dig ourselves out.

Thanks for reading my blogs everyone; especially those who have been there from the beginning. Have a good day.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.