Published on
April 4, 2007

Today I woke up to the sound of United's first song on their newest cd "All of the Above." I snoozed it after 10 seconds. It would return in 5 minutes anyway.

Allergies aren't helping my sleeping habits of 6 hours every night. Instead I find myself waking up coughing from lack of air and trying not to sneeze as I bury my head into my pillow searching for the 3 minutes of sleep I just lost for the 4th time that night. It's a good thing it's a 4 day week "I tell myself."

I'll be moving my stuff from my current location of the Hartigan residence to the Johnson residence on Thursday, where I'll stay a week before moving in to my new apartment with my best friend Thomas.

He's not really my friend though...he lost that privelage because he was too much of a jerk...but that much he already knows.

I had to get a roll of toilet paper to sit at my desk at work. My nose won't stop running and I can't just wipe it off on my sleeve like I used to back in middle school. I'm older than that now...more least that's what I tell myself.

My new chief is a nuisance. He's always on my case when I'm not "busy" at work.
"What you working on?" He asks me.
"Nothing much." I tell him...cause I'm too lazy to come up with an excuse. Most of the time I'll just pretend I'm doing something important and wait for him to leave before I go back to goofing off.

I feel no shame in being lazy at work.
I do the job given to me...and nothing more.
I'm not trying to impress...and I'm not trying to improve. I just want to do the work and get paid.

"You need to do some training." He says to me. Then he'll start pointing out things and I act as if I'm interested in learning...when in fact I'm just waiting for my phone to vibrate so I can make use of those 3000 text messages I just bought on my cingular account.

I probably won't get that high by the time the month ends...but between my friends Matt and Adriane, I'm definitely going to need more than 200 to get me through the month.
Depending on how it works out, I'll probably change it soon.

3:30 comes by so slow...but when it does you better be sure I don't hesitate to get to the locker room and then out the door.

By 4 o'clock I'm sitting in a big chair at Matt's house reading Entertainment weekly. I also end up finishing my Relevant Magazine and getting mostly through with Game Informer.
I don't know why I chose today to read all these, I just wanted to get them out of the way.
My computer died, and the AC plug was at my house, so I had to do without.

Matt's supposed to be cleaning, and I could help, but this is his punishment so I don't think I will. I help enough as it is. I can take one day to be lazy.

I don't know how it happened, but after a run to Food Lion so i could get a bottle of eye drops for my pollen infested eyeballs, I ended up playing some catch football for a good hour and a half with Blaine, Matt, Thomas, and Brent in the street.

Then me Blaine and Matt snuck a Starbucks run with Blaine in the back of my truck freezing his tail off.
But that's ok, because the girl that helped us at the drive thru was cute, and he was sure to let her know.
I liked her smile.

I'm a sucker for a pretty smile.
and blondes...I don't understand...but for some reason there's an attraction there.

I was feeling rather spontaneous today...but not enough to do anything crazy.
It was just an unplanned day.
Kareoke Revolution.
[more like: me being annoyed as the other three guys sing as loud as they can with their country version of the video game and I continue to read my magazines.]

Every now and then a text from Adriane will keep me sane.

I felt like I was missing something...but mostly I just went with the flow. Didn't stop to think and didn't try to get anything accomplished. Though there was plenty of things I wanted to do, and probably could've done...I just didn't think about them. It was almost as if I was living a normal life...which has been very rare since moving here almost a year ago.

I love these days the most.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.