Published on
March 10, 2007

300...the movie.

Was awesome...


I said so...

It held true to the graphic novel...and in that I quite enjoyed.

Oh, and remember that ex-boyfriend of my ex-girlfriend that wanted to kill me? Of course you don't. But...he still wants to kill me.
Or something...
But it should be settled (I don't know...) because after my friend called him up and started pissing him off after he called me 3 times in two days and left me very retarded voice mails, his best friend calls me up and is wondering if we're really going to fight or not.

I don't know what he wanted me to say...cause I didn't talk to the guy all was my friend that invited him to the football game where all my friends will be on Sunday ready to pound someone.

I probably won't be there.
And lover boy's best friend assures me that he's going to try and talk to him as long as we stop calling...
Something's wrong with that sentence...I'll let you figure it out.

I'm going to check out a house...


725 a month. No utilities. two bedroom. fireplace...

I want it...cause it's in a good loco.

but there's a lady that filled out an application for it today...which I think is unfair because I inquired about it yesterday, and she was told by the people who lived there before that I was interested.

I hope I get it... has become my life.
Because I can be the person that I want to be.
and also I get away from my so called friends.

Who call me gay every day.
and crack jokes just to put me down.

hmmm...maybe I'd fair better making friends with Dannyboy.

Atleast on RPGC, if they hate me then it's just that...
and they don't talk about me...
and my friends respect me...
I think.

I feel bad being on the internet all the time...but when it's more fun online then off...then what's the point of changing it right now. I have the time...and as long as I don't lose sight of priority then I'm fine.

I used to have friends that I could call brothers.
and I miss those days.
cause now when I show any type of care or trying to be like a team...I just get put down because 'i'm being gay.'

I don't need friends.
I have made up ones.
That actually like me.

Those that would feel honored to die by my side...and those that I truly feel honored...just to live by theirs.

300 was an awesome movie...

and I just want to feel like I belong.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.