Published on
December 19, 2006

So, I'm sure many of you people are wondering (who am I talking to!!!?!)
what is it that I'm trying to do in my life?

Well for a while I've been asking myself the same question. And I've bounced around from answer to answer trying to figure it out.

To tell you the truth, there's a bunch of things I want to do with my life:
Make movies
Write a comic/story
Start a Band
Star in Movies
Graphic Design
Be on Stage

and a bunch of smaller stuff that goes along with it.

College, I've decided, is out of the question as of now. I'm just not college bound, and I can't take it seriously...which would leave me ending up skipping class and procrastinating on everything, barely passing with a smile.

So let's say I don't get famous in the next three years though (the time of which I'll have a good steady income thanks to the United States Military.) maybe then I'll do college. And again, thanks to the Navy I will have the money to do so.

Until then, I guess it's shoot for the moon...

which is basically what I'm doing.

As of Now (short term)

With my recent decision not to go to college, that leaves me back to square one and just trying to do the things I love.

Since moving my best friend here with me to Virginia, we've been applying ourselves strongly to making ourselves a band, most likely under the name "Disguises for the Residence." (Don't ask yet...we haven't figured it out.)

The two definite members being Me and Thomas of course.

Other members are just those friends of ours that we feel like trying out and seeing how things work. Being as that we are all pretty ameatur (the exception of me and thomas being in previous bands and being to many concerts ((I learn from watching))) it's a work in progress.

And the result is mostly us just jamming around trying to produce song after song.
All we have are lyrics and one liners though, and we haven't delved into style or purpose yet.

Either way, it's something we both feel passionately about and are pursuing whole heartedly, and is at the top of our working goals at the moment. Since we have yet to do much but goof off and just talk about where we want to take this, we'll just leave you waiting to see what happens...since we're also doing the same thing.


This has been coming the slowest of all, but it's something I want to do to help all my friends I never get to see updated on my life...yet still be entertained and left with burning questions.

An webcomic aptly named "No Refill" is in developing stages, and still theoretically I don't know exactly where I'm going to take it in terms of plot or story.

The only definites as of yet, are the cast of characters including:
Me and Thomas Henderson (as the main characters)

Matt Johnson
Brent Hartigan
and Steven Willis (as supporting characters)

This is because as I am living in virginia, and the comic is supposed to be an update about my life, the main characters will be those that I interact with most often.

Though I wouldn't mind having those good friends of mine back home making a few cameos here and there, and I look forward to those moments when I can make that possibility.

Until then though, we'll just go with life as it is now, even though the supporting characters are still in high school and I don't know where they'll go after the comic starts. (that's why me and thomas will be the main characters, cause we'll be together for a very long time...atleast that looks like the plan.)

I have a few sketches in the sketchbook, so it's coming along a little nicely. But nothing on my computer save the few pictures my friends have as their display pics.

But hopefully soon. This is definetely a work in progress that still needs a little tweeks as to the style and also who will be helping me write this. We'll see how things go.

Priests and Kings (Long Term)

So few people have actually heard about what I want to accomplish in the long run, and I think it's about time to write a very long explaination about what that is (don't say you weren't warned.)

Priests and Kings is somewhat of a traveling theatre.

An answer to a growing problem in the world that I've seen needs to be dealt with: Religion.

An Epidemic that just doesn't seem to be going away, and won't anytime soon. But those "christians" that follow it, and live their lives on the very basic values of what they believe...or maybe just go with what they're brought up on, and don't go beyond that.

Then again...that's not it at all...I don't know what I'm saying...but I guarantee you someone out there does.

Priests and Kings bears the slogan: "the cure for christian naivety"
and therefore, it is thus.

Bring to the table worship like you've never heard before (though my main influence is Hillsong United on that I suppose you have heard it.)

Melt with that a non-stop assortment of Drama (skits and Human Videos), Movies, Spoken Word (poetry), art and media on every level, Dance, more music, and preaching.

All made from scratch and fresh out of the oven before every tour.
Sometimes there might be a theme, and most of the time it will just be an explosion of delicately picked media.

Either way, every night will be different, seeing as that we'll base our performances on what the specific people (most likely church) that hired us wants to see more prominent on certain subjects than others.

Preaching is actually taken up most of the night, seeing as that every component that the event is made of will bear a specific heart felt message. The only time people will stop the production is to make a short 5-10 minute message about what the audience just witnessed, and even then it can be done in the form of a skit or the hosts of the night (that can also change as we see fit) just talking to each other about what's going on.

This is an event where the preachers are the performers.
And where the performers are those that want to use their talents to do something more.
And the belief is that of living a wholehearted christian life, putting your trust in God, and more importantly, knowing that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and that accepting and repenting is the way to the Gift of Eternal Life.

It's all organized in my head, believe it or not, and will take shape hopefully as things go.

But that's not the end of it.

Priests and Kings will be the organization.

And with every organization there are branches that help bring about the main purpose, but still accomplish something on a different level.

These things include:
Priests and Kings coffee shop/book store - like a barnes and noble, but this one is a new breed that will involve more christian music and magazines, and will also help those young and upcoming artists get their chance in the spotlight.

Priests and Kings Magazine - because there are bands being looks over, and current events not being published. and topics that just are iced over with sugar that you don't really know what's going on. I want real topics, real bands, real issues, real movies...even if it's secular...tell me what's going on in the world...and tell me how a christian is supposed to live in this messed up world...and give me an alternative that actually is good.

Priests and Kings record label - Don't say you can't get your name out there to do something great. Cause we're here to help you out. As long as you're heart's in the right place and you got some talent, this'll be the place of some major business.


I realize though, that none of this is going to be possible without the aquaintences I have met and are going to meet in the future. That's why every person I meet I make sure there's a reason for it, whether it just be a good friend or I'm just there to give them advice and move on.

you'll never know when you'll need someone in the end.

So, as vaugue as most of this was, it's all there so you know I'm not just being a bum over here.

Eventually I might need your help, or maybe just your support.
Or maybe you might just want to be involved.

So if you're interested, then give me a call, or contact me any way possible.

I'm always willing to share dreams, and it's never to early to start I always say.

...starting now.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.