Published on
September 8, 2006

"yesterday...he was thinking of her."

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Let's start with recent stuff shall we:

So I made this huge mistake at the beginning of the week.

Was at a friends house, watching a movie "Dawn of the Dead." Best zombie movie ever made...because scary zombies aren't the slow moving ones, it's the ones that chase after you and won't die.

There was a girl there, hadn't talked to me all there's an assuming tension.
( caught the keyword...)

I talk during movies I've already seen. Someone tried to predict something. I told them they were right and wrong...and how. Didn't give anything away for the movie...and actually nothing was ruined...because the predicted part wasn't even as good as I thought it was going to be the first time I watched it.

Anyway...said girl (s) said I need to stop talking during the movie. Even though that was the first thing I said during the movie compared to their conversations...and I said that.

Well whatever happened, a friend of mine sarcastically said "well you can go home"

and I could tell the girls didn't want me there. So I left.

The girl that hadn't talked to me all weekend decided to have the last word on my way out "grow up on your way home"

I don't know where that came from, and it definetally wasn't about the current situation, because there's nothing childish about walking away from somewhere you don't need to be.

But that made me a little mad.

Right then and their I should've stopped and turned around...

I should've told her we were going to go outside to talk about this...

(hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it)

but no...instead I hesitate as I turn the doorknob...and then just kep on walking.

Left a text message saying "Fuck you" on her phone.

and I regret it.

First time that's ever happened to me...I was really mad.

I had to walk a few miles to a friends house, because that's where my car was. So of course I had time to think.

But I didn't think about much.

But I did try and text message her again.

unfortunetally now we're just "pretending" we never met.

I like how people build things up, and most likely want to fix things.

But how come they "don't feel like arguing right now"

I don't like letting things sit. I try and fix it or I just forget about it completely...or just get rid of the problem. And in this case it was the latter, and I'm not too happy about that.

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I'm working this weekend...actually...I'm at work now...and it's saturday...and I just want you to know.



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Kumo no Mukō, Yakusoku no Basho "The Place Promised in our Early Days"

If you haven't seen it. Well then you should.
I know most of you people aren't into Japanese anime like me.

But I think you'd enjoy this one.

It's a story about friendship, love, and espionage.
I'm not even going to explain it, there's a link above for that.

Just go watch it.

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my brother messaged me on myspace the other day...with the subject "I've been meaning to talk to you":

"About what?" you ask.

Well, have you played Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus yet? Because I have. And I think it will be the only FF that I can actually say that I beat before you did. Oh yeah. It's so freaking cool, and so much fun. It only took me like umm...I think it came to seventeen hours. Or was it eleven? Either one. It wasn't that hard, but it wasn't easy. The last level is easy, but it's more about cg scenes and using the Death Penalty gun that kills. Literally. So go play it.

Awww the little bugger is proud of himself. He finally one-uped his older brother...if you can even call it that.
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All in all...just more drama...but it's getting better.

I should be getting a new apartment soon, more on that when I get more details.

I just watched "A knights Tale" last night...and really loved it...again. I think I'll write some songs now, it was inspiring.

I need to get into a habit of drawing again...cause I've been so out of it recently.

This is long enough...later.
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"Yesterday, he was thinking of her...
today I spread my wings in attempt to escape."

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.