Published on
January 12, 2007

There are days that are normal…nothing new happens.
There are days that are eventful…planned or spontaneous…but still nothing new.

And then there are days that are special…[insert the difference here]

Yesterday is considered one of those days for me. (More specifically, Thursday January 11, 2007…since yesterday will always remain “yesterday”)

Work was simple…boring…the same…[monotony]

After work was a little different…not too much though, so don’t get your hopes up yet.

Called Brent after work on the drive home, to see if he wanted to go eat…(more specifically, Chick-fil-a)

He was at the school, at a Chorus rehearsal…not like I needed him to tell me that.
Because Matt Johnson was suddenly handed the phone,
Then Carl…some French dude or whatever.
And then back to Brent…all the while I’m still confused about what’s going on.
He couldn’t fill me in at all.

So, I could tell this would be a while…so instead of waiting at Chik-fil-a or someone’s house…I decided to just wait at the school.

In the parking lot I talked to Lemi about dance and high school and barbershop quartets.
[more specifically]
He dances a lot, and so do my stepsisters.
Everyone in his high school is short, or maybe I just remember it being different when I was a freshman (that’s what we determined.)
And my experience with Barbershop and my quartet back home…fun times.

Afterwards I went to find Brent, Matt, and Nyna.
They were in and around the Chorus room.

In the hallway all three of them had a conversation about how they think my life is like a Choreographed Musical.
In the car…
Walking down the road…
When I speak…

It’s weird having people talk about you…right in front of you…but I found it interesting.
It was flattering none-the-less, I love knowing that I have that much of an impact on peoples lives…
…just from being myself.

Chik-fil-a and Mcdonalds would also bring about various conversations in their own respects.

The plan that day was to visit Barnes-and-Noble, so that Brent could pick up his check, but this wasn’t very different since I go there a lot nowadays.

First we went to Matt’s to pick up Thomas.
But he ended up not coming because we ended up having a few differing opinions.

Matt and I met Nyna and Marissa at B&N where Brent had dropped them off.
On the way we read the worst book report about Jurrasic Park that his little brother had written.
He didn’t read that book.
He watched the movie.
And did a horrible job summarizing it.

I know…because I read that book…and it’s not 6th grade reading level.

Since Nyna and Marissa were doing some magazine quizzes…(why?)
Me and Matt decided to walk around.
Grabbing the books with the coolest book covers {More specifically: Guinness Book of World Records 2006, and Ripley’s Believe it or not}

We sat down in the sofas and explored…some…interesting things.

Afterwards we put the books away, go back to see the girls and Brent, me and Brent went to get his check, then I went exploring.

[this is where the day gets special]

In the photography section I stumbled upon a group of girls doing a bible study.
On the floor…in a circle.

It was interesting, so I stood and listened while pretending to browse the Art/Design section.

This, of course, wasn’t going to cut it for too long…as I was clearly eavesdropping and being nosy.

So after Brent found me and left, I decided to sit in.


The other day me and Thomas had a conversation about what people think of us when they first meet us. (more specifically, when they first lay eyes on us…individually)

It wasn’t much of a conversation.
But more of something to think about.

It’s hard to imagine for myself what people think about me when they first see me.
I’m not extremely good looking.
But I’m not a big dork either…though some may beg to differ on that one.

But first glance, what do people see?
Are they interested in who I am?
Maybe want to meet me?
Am I different?
Do I stand out?
[most importantly]
Am I cute?
Just another boy? (looking young has it’s downfalls)

Some of my more recent friends…well…all of them in fact. Have admitted to me that, when they first saw me, they thought I was gay.

And that’s something I’d like to steer clear of.

I may never know what people initially think about me…it’s just something I’ll always be insecure about…and always have been.

Worrying about it doesn’t do any good though…just be myself…and let them think whatever they want…
God knows the plans that he has for me, so I’ll just have to trust in him.


That’s what the girls were talking about last night.
The fear and trust in God.

At least, that’s where I came in.

They seemed to accept me without a problem.

I wasn’t sure if they saw this as a witnessing opportunity…a chance to change someone’s life…or if they just didn’t want to be mean and turn me away.

But for me, it was an interesting and fun experience.
I got to sit in on a bible study, and give my input on certain things…not much…but I didn’t stay quiet when I thought I could help.

Of course I asked them about their church, because it just so happens that my schedule just became more consistant, and I wouldn’t have to worry about breaking commitments if I decided to get back into church.

It’s still a difficult subject for me though.
Thinking about joining a church.

Again I’m at the point of having to establish myself again;
As a man with a passion and good relationship with God.

But then again…I really don’t need to do much except be myself.

I didn’t mind sitting in on their bible study.
Getting to figure out what their passions and goals are…just to know that they were striving to better themselves and other people.

It’s hard to be myself when you don’t feel like yourself (more specifically, not looking my best…hair and clothing alike.)

But for the most part I suppose I was confident…not nervous.
Wasn’t trying to impress anyone…
Just played things off as they came…
It’s how I usually do things…but more recently I’ve done better about being myself…knowing what I’m about and finding out who I really am.

Naturally, some of them found out I was in the military.
And again, that’s a thought that scares me.
Because I don’t want people to associate me with the Navy…but I just want them to find out who I am.

Mattias Marasigan.

Hard to place from first glance, but once you get to know him…you either hate him or love him.

Atleast that’s what I think.

Overall, I think I’ll visit the church.
Find out if it’s a place I need to be.
Especially since I can commit more time to a place and not have to worry about scheduling or Detachments.
Who knows?…It might be a good experience…might find another place to call home.
Might discover more inspiration or find ways to further my goals in life.
And it's a good chance to meet new people.

And I always like to meet new people…

[more specifically…]

…cute girls.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.