Published on
September 25, 2006

I tried calling you today...just to ask a silly question
It was about an actor...cause you know how bad I am at things
I was wondering who mr. mcdreamy was, because I watched "munich" today, and I could swear it was him...just a little.
and I miss having that person around...that always fit me like a puzzle piece...filling in the gaps that i couldn't
but knowing that you've found someone else and forgotten about me...well then I guess you don't miss me at all
My mom says you still care about me...and I tell her that she's're lying...because there's no way
there's no way that someone who claims to care about me as much as you do...decides to throw me aside
and I don't care how you feel when you get this...because I know you'll just throw this away without a second look
that you'll tell him that I tried to contact any means necessary...and he'll hold you and tell you to "forget about him."
the person that gave you the best years of your life
the person that thought that this would never happen to him
because "I have a good girl." and I never took it for granted
I may have had my doubts...but I even have my doubts about God sometimes
and I think I have to do things my own way...and that turns out to be wrong
and time after time again I've been wrong...and fixed it before it was too late
but that last time...I was too late for you
and I realized that everything you told me was a lie
and that we weren't best friends
and that you regret ever saying how happy you were with me
because now you're happier
happy because I'm two days away and you don't have to see my face
and how I look down at the ground almost searching for something that I've lost
and afraid
cause growing up has been hard to do...
because I can't do it without you
Oh how I didn't want to be that generic military know.
the young love that never lasted because when that boy goes away to become a man that girl finds a new boy to hold her hand
and to watch "grey's anatomy" together
So fill that void...because I want you to smile
because I do care about you...contrary to popular belief
and I want him to make promises that he can keep
unlike me...who's now full of those bad decisions he's made
I understand're busy...and having a boyfriend takes alot of time off your hands
It was only a silly question anyway...and I'm sure those kisses heal those wounds quite nicely

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.