Published on
October 20, 2007

I just got finished watching "Into the Wild."

Every weekend it comes to this. I come home on Fridays and I have the urge to go see a movie. Sometimes there's a movie out that I really want to see, and sometimes it's just seeing a movie for the sake of seeing one, because there's nothing to do.

Maybe it's because I'm a movie person.
The urge to want to be there one day.
On the big screen.

People will pay 7 bucks to see me someday.

So I get familiar with movies, and with celebrities and what's going on with the media world. I think I've gotten hooked, but that could be a lie as well.

It could be the fact that there's just nothing to do, and movies is the universal thing for bored people to do. It started at the drive-in I believe. It's where people get famous. It's where people come together.

Laugh together.
Wonder together.
Be silent...together.

But that's too deep for me.

Last week I couldn't get up the urge to go see Across the Universe. I'm afraid it will be a disappointment, and I don't like being disappointed alone. That's really the case...I walked up to buy a ticket, and I realized I was alone.

It's no fun for me to see movies alone.
I like to talk at movies.

But this isn't an emo thing...really it isn't.

I'll go see movies alone...I do it a lot. It's just the movies out right now, if I'm not sure that I will get a great story out of it, then it's a waste to go it alone...might as well rent it later.
Even if I've wanted to see the musical for a while now...just couldn't do it...don't want to be disappointed.

Tonight I had options.
I've been keeping track of these movies, knowing that I'd want to see them when they come out, but all of them I'm not sure what I'd think of them. I love movies, but that doesn't mean I can't be picky.

Into the Wild was not one of my choices.
In fact, it flew under the radar for me, I hadn't even realized it was out.
And I've been waiting for that movie.

I was just in time.

What better movie to see alone (besides the fact that I was confident that I'd love it.) then a movie where the main character spends the majority of 2 years alone.

I'm telling you, Emile Hirsch is the actor to watch. Every movie I see him in, he does an amazing job, and this one was a landslide. The next movie I know he's in will be Speed Racer, and though I don't see him being Speed I still know he can pull it off.

Just the two cents there.
Also, this isn't a movie review blog either.

I really don't know what it is yet.

But I do know this...

I got home only a few minutes later, and I was walking to the apartment. I have to walk up stairs to get to my own two bedroom, and in most cases I take the stairs two at a time. I think it's the impatience in me. The need to not let the mundane slow me down.

Quick note: Every movie I watch that I really enjoy, I come out with a little impression of it, as in I'll feel like the character, and maybe sometimes act like one. I tell Andrea that I could make a good impression actor if I wanted...

In this case, it was the mindset of Alexander Supertramp that I walked out with. Taking every step, one at a time...

I'll get there...I really will.

But if I run, skipping steps along the way, then I might miss out on something, or I might stumble on the way up.

I'll learn to take it slow...and not skip the steps that God places in front of me, in order to eventually get to the top.
To put that Key in the door.
And to say "I'm home."

(and I can do it alone.)

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.