Published on
December 16, 2006

Opening Remarks

Her: "Hey what's up?"
Me: "Gonna see casino royale tonight at 930. Wanna come?"
Her: "Oh no! I am gunna go home and sleep!"
Me: "Lame. Why so?"
Her: "I'm worn out! it's been a long week, and I have to get up early to go shopping tomorrow morning like 7!"
Me: "Well I get 6 hours of sleep all the time, but I won't stop you. How was the recital?"
Her: "It was alright, kinda long"
Me: "You'll get over it. So you shopping all day?"
Her: "Just let me complain! anyway, not all day but probably most of the morning."

Me: "=P well then you know to expect a call tomorrow."
Her: "Well I shall pencil u in to my oh so busy schedule."
Me: "Screw that. It better be in sharpie"
Her: "Oh of course!"
Me: "With exclamation points. Three to be exact. Cause I'm that important"
Her: "Pssh I'll put 4!"
Me: "No. cause that means you're obsessed."

Her: "My mistake"
Me: "No problem. And if you did put 4 then I wouldn't mind. Just don't do it again."
Her: "I am oh so sorry I just couldn't contain myself"
Me: "Ya...I guess I have that effect on people."
Her: "Naturally"

Me: "Mostly with girls...and a handful of guys...but that's scary."
Her: "Haha oh my"
Me: "Don't worry...I still have you in Sharpie."
Her: "What color?"
Me: "Black cause I'm a guy and lazy. With red hearts! ...I mean..."

Me: "We missed the movie btw, cause matts parents are taking too long to get home."
Her: "Oh what a shame"
Me: "Well just in case you were wondering...miss know you're glad cause you get more time with me."
Her: "Overly filled with joy"
Me: "If you were here you'd be getting a very evil look."
Her: "I'm sure"

Me: "Jerk"
Her: "whoa hostel much?"
Me: "Hurt =P"
Her: "Yes I'm sure ur heartbroken"

Me: "You wanna fight"
Her: "I don't think you can handle this..."
Me: "Try me..."
Her: "Name the time and place"
Me: "Bike racks after school."
Her: "Perfect...don't forget to watch your back..."
Me: "Don't chicken out"
Her: "Trust me...i'll be there"

Me: "So...can we eat afterwards...?"
Her: "Haha random!"
Me: "That's why you like talkin to me"
Her: "I have to admit I do love randomness, its the funniest thing in the world!"

Me: "You're the reason I have a high phone bill"
Her: "Haha I totally believe that"

Bus Pirates has a new christmas special.

and it's the funniest thing in the world.

I think I'll buy a shirt...just because I love it.

Watch the rest of them won't you.


As some of you may have heard me mention before. Firefox.exe has an add-on called "Stumble-Upon."

It lets you browse random web sites based on your preferences with the click of a button.

Well last night I found this

A short film, and a very good one at that.

It has nudity, so if you're offended by that then you shouldn't watch. And I mean full nudity, not just a few breasts here and there.

(but no's not erotic.)

But the reason I liked it, was because I agreed with the narrator of the movie.

About artists appreciating the female form, every curve and crevice, and seeing it as beauty.

That doesn't mean I have to see nudity. In fact, in my case, I'd much rather see a clothed girl as opposed to a naked one...atleast in under garments or something appreciate that sort've thing.

I guess you could say it's kinda sexy.
and the rest should just be saved for bed.

After marriage of course.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Is a new favorite movie of mine.

and it's hard to find an old movie that I truly, thouroughly enjoy.

This movie though, I can say I truly loved.

It's because of the fact that it has all the things I love seeing in a movie.

Character Developement
Good Dialogue
Great Cinematography
and Awesome Storytelling.

Though I'll admit, the story didn't develop much in plot, but it was still non-the-less very well done.

I found myself laughing with the characters, feeling for them, and not wanting to let them go.
I just loved watching them.

Butch with his crazy antics and sarcastic remarks.
And Sundance, well, he's just a beast with a gun.

And they made a very good team, and they knew it, and cherished it and used it.

Funny part was, they didn't even know alot about each other, and I thought it was great that we were learning about these characters at the same time they were learning about each other.

If you haven't see it yet, then I suggest you do.

I picked it up, not expecting much, almost thinking that I'd regret it and want to return it.

But instead I got inspiration.

And regret that they don't make more movies like this one anymore.

No more cliche.

That's what I say.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.