Published on
April 19, 2007

edit:: Before you read, know that Thomas IS looking for a job, and he's doing the best he can. I'm sure he's applied at over 25 places now, and that's just a guess...he's done more than that.

The situation is, we don't have any money...neither of us.

I need Gas money to get to work...20 miles one way.

We're running out of food.

We can only bumm these things off of people for so long.

He'll get a job...I'm not worried about that.

I'm worried about having the money in time to keep up with all the things coming up.

I don't care that I'm struggling, but the truth is, if I can't pay rent or the bills...then I'm just screwing myself over.

I just need to catch'll only take a month.

Only one.

Explaination:: [from the beginning]

So, a week before we were planning on moving into my apartment (the same weekend I switched locations to another friends house.) Thomas decides he’s going to go to church.

I have no problem with this, though he was only doing it to get out of working on the house with the rest of us.

Anyway, as he’s driving down the highway, the car that we just bought him burst into flames!!!

Well…there was smoke coming out of the engine.
Someone pulled over (thankfully!) with Thomas and had a fire extinguisher.

Tow truck brings him home.
Tells him it was an “engine oil fire.”

Thomas has to fix his car…might have to take out the engine…the estimate so far is unknown, as the car is sitting at our friends house till we can get money to get it towed to an auto shop and get it fixed. Who knows how much that will cost…?

So, because he has no car, he can’t drive himself to work on location an hour away.
He calls for a ride, but no one answers, or they don’t come pick him up.

Turns out he missed the whole week at work because he couldn’t get ahold of the right people. So he’s, of course, fired.

We moved in last Saturday (April 14, 2007) where I had to pay them $1070.83 for the rest of the deposit and rent. Leaving me with $400.

The rest went to Gas and Groceries/apartment necessities, and $122 has to be saved for my car insurance.

Currently, my bank account has $97 in it, and car insurance hasn’t been taken out.
I’m running out of Gas…so I’ll have to borrow Gas money.
The money that Thomas has currently has to go towards his $168 car insurance bill.

The check that he was supposed to get Friday has to come in the mail since he can’t get to the office during the day.
Due to the unfortunate circumstance that Mr. Johnson (upon hiring Thomas before he himself got fired) put his address down wrong (e.g. 6313 instead of the correct house number of 6316), so we will not be getting his check in the mail unless we catch it as it comes to the house…next door? Across the street?
We haven’t had time to figure it out…will do so today.

Well, unfortunately, that money will possibly have to go towards Gas (we can go without eating for a while.) or will most likely be saved up for next months rent.

Because…I have ZERO DINERO!

When I get paid on the first of MAY…it won’t be enough to cover rent.
Much less the electric bill that will probably come in very soon after O.o
Or maybe even the Gas bill…grrrrr.

Thomas, even if he has a job by then, might not have a paycheck (usually takes a week for the first at most if not all businesses.) to help with rent. Maybe tips…depending on the job…but we can’t live off of tips.

Even if we are able to scrounge up enough money to pay the bills and rent.
We’ll be left broke.
And gas for my car is still going to be a must.
Again…we can go without eating.

Also, I want money to come home…very badly…to see my sister graduate in May.
Plane tickets are not in the budget right now.
So…the problem is…we need money…so…we need help.

Solution(s):: Options or…not.

1. Maybe I could take out a Loan…but I’ve never done that before so that idea goes straight out the window…I don’t need another bill to pay.

2. Borrow money…LIKE CRAZY!!!

3. Hit my best friend Matt up because he just got a part time job and (technically) he owes me a bunch of money.

But I’m not doing that to him, cause it’s not his fault and I willingly gave up my money so we two could hang out. So he doesn’t owe me a cent.
(he is willing to help, but he doesn’t have that much…and he deserves his first paycheck.)

4. Get donations from all my friends VIA paypal!!!

We’ll go with…

Number 4:: How you’re helping.

This is selfish…I know.
But you know what?…I don’t see anything wrong with it.

The best thing about Paypal, is that it’s free.
I can set up an account, and I don’t even have to be selling anything in order to receive money.

All I have to do is ask people to DONATE.
Meaning…you choose the price…so that it’s all fair.

And…you don’t have to set up an account if you don’t want to.

But, simply, by doing this, you will be helping me and Thomas out greatly.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that have to be taken care of:
Electric Bill
Car Repairs
Car Insurance


Plane tickets (I haven’t been home in over a year guys. I really…really want to go home for just a week.)
Cell Phone Bill (this isn’t necessary right now…but eventually it will be.)

In all reality, if this had happened to us at the beginning of the month, we would be fine.
Because then I would have TWO paychecks that I can save up enough money before paying rent.

But that’s not the case, and the problem is that once the first comes around, I won’t have the money to cover anything. Thomas will be getting money in, but it still might not be enough to do everything depending on how fast we get it.

It’s a lot to ask for.
But only a little bit matters.

This will help us get back on our feet, because as soon as we catch up, we’ll be able to get by. Yes.
We’ll be fine, because he’ll have a job very soon. So we’ll be able to cover everything from then on out, and all we’ll have to worry about is saving up money for car repairs and furniture for the apartment. (which we have…very…little.)

I can’t tell you how much it would help us if our friends just donated.
You would be our saviors.

That’s why the donate button can be located on my myspace under the “HEROES” section. Because everyone who helps will be my personal hero.

I try not to ask for much…only friendship and respect.

Now I’m asking for you guys to help me out, because there’s so many things I want to do with my life, and I can’t have something like money holding me back.

I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to pay anyone back, but you always know you can call on me or Thomas for any favor you need.

I never hesitate to help my friends.

So please, if you would like to donate, I would greatly appreciate it.
A donate button is located to the right--->
And also at
Under the “Heroes” section on the left hand side.

If you have any questions…you know how to contact me:
Phone: 601-9174801

Thanks for listening to my…not so sad story…it took me 20 minutes to type it up.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.