Published on
April 16, 2007

I am not someone to be loved.

I am not someone to be admired.

There is nothing…
To see…

When you move into your own apartment, it is the coolest feeling in the world.
To know that you’re on your own…independent.

You sleep on an air mattress.
The majority of your food is Ramen and Cereal.
Your computer table is your ironing board.
You borrow and reuse others old things until you have some things to call your own.

And your only complaint is that the washer/dryer hookup that you asked for…that you’re paying for…is non-existant. So you will express your concern to the management in an effort to figure out where the hookup is so that one day…when you do get that washer/dryer…you will be able to use it without hesitaion. You will not pay $1.50 to do your clothes.

There are so many little, yet necessary things that envelop your daily lives.
They leave you with only 35 dollars to last you the next two weeks.

Your roommate/best friend’s car is broken.
He has lost his job, and currently filling out applications for more.

You are broke, have not been home in a year, and must find a way to get enough money within a month to go watch your little sister graduate from high school, or else never go home for a very…very long time.

But you are content…happy.

Because the peanut-butter & jelly sandwich in your bookbag at work is what’s going to help you save money for the next year by not eating out as much.

Because you have wonderful friends…those to talk to and hang out with even though you neglect those that you still love yet never have time to call up.

Because no matter what.
By the Grace of God. You will survive.

There are a lot of things I’m going to try and catch up on…possibly…while I am starting this new leg of my life.

Maybe just new projects, just living life like I should, and doing things to further myself and my future.

New people come into my life constantly.
New opportunities extend themselves to me everyday.

I take them…and I do something with it.

I’ve come to realize that the experiences in life are mainly based on the people you interact with. Your friends and the things you choose to do with them.

I’d like to say I’ve been doing a lot of things recently. That my life has been busy and full of…stuff.

But I can’t.

In all reality, it’s just been about hanging out with my friends.

At Matt Johnson’s playing X-Box or watching movies.
(or sleeping on his couch for a week. Helping with various projects around the house which gave them more than what they needed for their appraisal.)

Hanging with newfound friend Adriane Campbell while she goes to her many ‘gigs’ with her twin sister promoting their new CD self-titled “DoubleTake.”

And that’s when we three are not together just talking or going out somewhere.

This isn’t to exclude those that have been around as well:
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
And Thomas.

Then there’s those people I interact with over the internet. Those that will go nameless, and will have to do with a lot less of me considering it will be a while before I get internet in my apartment.
This is also a for-warning to all those that like to keep track of me.
I’ll still have internet (at work and friends houses.) But if you want to get ahold of me quickly, don’t count on Myspace or email very much.

It’s ironic how those people that used to be a part of your life can only become a part again by “catching up” with you.
That we’re destined to move on with our new lives no matter how much we want to hold on to our old ones.

I guess it’s simply a part of growing up.

Throughout my life, I’ve realized that I’ve grown up fast.
Already making plans for my future and setting goals.

Yet, there are moments of my life, with my friends or situations, where I remember I haven’t experienced everything yet.

I have to remind myself: “I still have some growing up to do.”

Where it’s true I have found myself and I know what I want in life.
Where it’s true that I think differently in terms of being able to figure out even the grittiest of situations that present themselves to me.

There’s still new challenges that await me.

I’m glad God has made me a strong minded person.
It’s funny…the only weakness I have discovered thus far is the most complex creature God has ever created:


I’m glad that I have so many passions.
I’m thankful I have so many gifts.

And I plan to use this time on Earth to the fullest.
So that when I die young…people will be able to say, “the world won’t be the same without him.”

Maybe not…THE world.
But…YOUR world.

As for now…this blog has become darker than I wanted it to be.
I apologize.

I’m having fun…really.
Life is good.
Work sucks.
And I’m broke.

But…life is good.

And I’m happy.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.