Published on
November 27, 2008

It is the morning of Thanksgiving for me, but I obviously don't have any plans beyond the usual day-to-day living we do here in Iraq. If I were any closer to my co-workers, then maybe we could make today something fun, but alas it is not the case for me. Either way, I hope today you have the best Thanksgiving you have, spend it with those people you love, and if you can't do that then spend it in a way that you would love to spend it.

I'm sorry if you're alone this Thanksgiving. I really am. Though I don't take "family holidays" that seriously, I can understand how it would be a pain knowing all of your friends are busy with their families while you might be stuck at home. For those who are in the states, I'll be up all night, so if anyone needs someone to talk to, then feel free to do so.

I believe Australia came out [Wednesday] and it is a movie I've been dying to see. The director has expressed his reasoning for the movie coming out the day before thanksgiving, in that he really wanted people to share a Family movie together on Turkey Day. You see, his grandmother used to bring them [him along with siblings] to the movies every Thanksgiving, and interestingly enough, that's what my mom would do as well.

Though, we would always specifically watch a "Christmas" style movie, but if those weren't available we would settle for the family friendly one. This will be the first year - I think - that I will miss this tradition, as I have kept it up on my end even without my family.

I will admit, though, it has been a bomb the past two years. The first Thanksgiving away from home I went to a movie with my then girlfriend. The same day she practically broke it off with me. But the good news at the end of it all was my best friend had just arrived in town, and it was the beginning of a long adventure between me and Thomas Henderson.

I can't even remember what I did last year.

But lest I digress into my life story, let me take this moment to again wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Spend it watching Australia, if you can, and please let me know what you think of it! Also, do YOU have any traditions for Thanksgiving?

If you're at all in a charitable mood, then maybe you should pre-order my brother's new CD "For My Friends." Victorio, or as he likes to call himself when he's an artist, O Victori!, has been working on this new album for many months now. I believe it started when I brought my iMac home back in May, but one can never be too sure of these things.

Either way, I have heard some of the early recordings, and there is some talent present there. If you'd like to give it a listen, or even pre-order the CD using Paypal, then you can do both on his myspace: O Victori.

It costs 8 bucks plus shipping, but you'll be glad to know that Tory will not be keeping a CENT. Instead he is contributing all the proceeds to an organization called Speed The Light. More information about that can be found at myspace, but what better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than to give your hard earned money to missionaries who ACTUALLY NEED IT! Heck, you get a free CD out of it...sort why not?!

In other news, I killed a fly today, with my bare hands.
I almost would've killed another, but I felt so bad about squishing the first one...I didn't think I could do it again.

(says the guy with an M-16 at his disposal.)

I know...I sound like a baby...but the truth is I did it relentlessly; the only crime it having commited was buzzing around my head. I feel like a murderer.
Now...where's that Bin Laden hiding.

Mattias is an actor, writer, filmmaker, and editor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He often writes about his observations about life, the human condition, spirituality, and relationships. He also enjoys writing about movies, pop culture, formula one, and current events. Often these writings are 'initial thoughts' and un-edited, as authentic as possible, and should be considered opinions. If you're interested in commenting on his work, or continuing the conversation, you should consider following him on Twitter or share an article on social media, where he would love to engage even further. Consider subscribing via RSS for more.