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January 30, 2013

On "Doing Life" Together

What does it mean to "Do life" together?

Recently I've been sharing some amazing conversations with a couple of good friends at a local hookah lounge. There's something about getting together. Talking. Hashing things out. Listening. Philosophizing. I imagine the greeks doing this. Asking questions that no one has imagined. Offering answers to undiscovered mysteries. Here I offered my own question. A loaded question.

What does it mean to "Do life" together?

Christians have heard this phrase before. We throw it in with "Small Groups" and "Community" every now and then. For those who don't know, "Doing Life" is our new way of saying, "Be involved. Engage. Love people. Carry each other's burdens. Sharpen like iron." etc. We understand this as a Biblical directive. To truly be a follower of Jesus, this isn't optional.

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